Summary of this website in English

EV2F: Electric Vehicle to France. Going on a holiday to France with an electric car.

This website is aimed at Dutch audience and therefore written in Dutch. However, this is a single page in English. A summary that explains about the project. All links point to pages in Dutch.

Nissan LEAF by Trip Manager

To show that it is possible now! We care about the environment and we know that traveling by EV is pleasant, easy and clean.

By car. A 100% electric car, the Nissan LEAF. Clean and silent!

Where and when?
To Brittany in France, this summer. (Here is our destination, the route and planning).

Just a a family from The Hague, Holland.

The car has been made available at a reduced price by Trip Manager.

The range of the vehicle is about 150 km. So it will be different than traveling in a normal car. We will take long lunch breaks to charge an extra 50 km and we will have to take 7 days for a single trip. We’ve looked into all the electricity plugs on the way and we’ve carefully plot the route.

We’re maintaing aWeblog With daily updates.

Follow ev2f on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and via e-mail!

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  • When there is a new post on the weblog, I’ll put it out on Twitter and Facebook.
  • When we have new video’s, we’ll put it on Youtube.
  • And if you’d like to be notified in your e-mailbox, then please mail your e-mail address to me.